Blasting/Excavation Litigation

Basic Principles

Most of the complaints of damage due to Blasting are avoidable and can be easily overcome in court of law.

Whenever people complain of damage, its often that the noise due to blasting is annoying. Common man can’t differentiate between noise and ground vibrations; hence it is always better to know the truth.

In most of the cases there non-technical reasons for the complaint and blasting is the first to be blamed.

Mitigating & Counterin Complaints

  • Pre blast survey
    By recording the conditions of the structure and in the structure, a record of the conditions of the structure is maintained by a 3rd party who in case of complaints acts as an independent assessor of the damage and witness in case of legal tangle.
  • Third Party Monitoring
    An independent agency measures the Noise and Vibrations of all the Blasts and acts as an assessor and witness.

More Resources

Blasting Damage

Contractors Evaluation

Excavation Planning

Operating a Quarry

Selecting a Seismograph

Selecting Quarry Area

Crusher Layout

Safe Distance for Blasting

Copyright 2024, UTTAM BLASTECH PVT LTD, Hyderabad